We are producing forsustainablefuture.
We see sustainability as the cornerstone of our future and make the sustainability approach our focus in all our business areas. We aim for a healthy and sustainable future for our partners. We, as Nüve;

Prioritize people, placing them at the center of our efforts. While striving for the improvement of human health, we provide safe and healthy working environments for our employees and suppliers.
Follow innovative approaches in our industry, align our technologies accordingly, and strive to maintain our quality and efficiency at the highest level.
Encourage our employees to participate in various training programs to contribute to their education and development. Additionally, we provide opportunities for socialization not only in the field of education but also in cultural and personal development areas.
Approach our employees based on the principles of equality, inclusivity, and diversity, regardless of their individual differences.
Engage in activities that benefit the community and support initiatives in this direction.
When shaping our activities, we also consider social, environmental, and managerial risks, focusing on reducing potential negative impacts and increasing positive ones.
Manage our organization with a competent top management team, in accordance with corporate governance principles, through a strategic approach and management systems.
Aim to contribute to mitigating climate change by minimizing the use of resources such as energy, raw materials, and water, reducing waste, supporting the circular economy, and thus reducing our environmental footprint.
Conduct activities to increase awareness, consciousness, and education regarding sustainability among our internal and external stakeholders.
Value collaborating with all our stakeholders to collectively act towards our sustainability goals, and we support the implementation of sustainability practices in our value chain.
Take proactive steps to advocate for gender equality and support initiatives to increase women's participation in the workforce and promote female employment.
Annually report on our approach, performance, and goals in the field of sustainability in accordance with international standards, and we support initiatives related to sustainability.