Qualityis a lifestyle.


NÜVE is one of the first brands that come to mind for users and demand owners when it comes to laboratory and sterilization equipment, and it is a leading organization in this industry in our Türkiye. The devices we manufacture have been used for years without compromising their trust and quality in quality control, diagnosis, and research laboratories of industrial, health, and educational institutions.

In this regard, with our Quality Policy that prioritizes the safety of not only our customers, but also the environment we operate in, and all living beings reached by our products, we, as Nüve;

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Produce reliable products that do not harm human, animal, and environmental health.

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Understand users' needs and develop innovative solutions.

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Adopt a service approach that is fast, effective, and open to feedback in the pre-sales, during sales, and post-sales processes.

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Ensure that all our employees work without compromising our quality standards, product reliability, and sustainability policies.

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Work to ensure that our suppliers' understanding of quality, product reliability, and sustainability integrates with ours.

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Increase quality and product reliability by complying with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 13485:2016, ISO 45001:2018 standards, and Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745, as well as MDD 93/42/EEC. We ensure continuity in continuous improvement efforts.

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Integrate the concept of sustainability into all our processes with the aim of leaving a livable world for future generations.

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Exert great effort to be the past, present, and future of Laboratory and Sterilization Technology.



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